Saturday after returning from a great shopping day, I continued to visit more studios and creative spaces from the blog party list. I left the computer on when I left in the morning, so that I'd remember where I left off. I toggled back and forth from My Desert Cottage to each site (I'm only in the 'B's), then decided to check my blog to see if there was any visits or comments that I needed to respond to... I realized, my background from Shabbyblogs was missing. This happened once before but when I restarted, it came back; not this time.
With this new 'design' format from Blogger, I can't seem to do what I just got used to doing when working the blog. Then Sunday, I did manage to reload my background after some tears and deletives. Now I'm trying to change the title of one of the stand alone pages, but I can't seem to figure out how to do it. It will let me rearrange it, like putting it 1st, 2nd or third; but I can't correct it, I can't delete. If anyone out there in blogland knows how to do this, please help!
Okay, back to the fun stuff. I've finished my little oatmeal container stool. I decided to keep it plain on the top and not tuft it. Two reasons, one, my daughter wanted to be able to take off the cover and wash it and two, how uncomfortable is it to sit on an over-sized button?
This little stool is made of 7 oatmeal containers. I hot-glued 6 containers to the center container, then wrapped duct-tape around the whole thing, making sure I tucked the tape into the creases.Taping it assures me this won't fall apart. I then hot-glued batting around the whole thing, making sure I tucked in where the dibbits (spelling?) were, again so that I could maintain the flower shape. My husband helped me cut the flower shape out of masonite for the bottom, I hot-glued it to the bottom which is hidden under the muslin lining and I cut the flower shape out of 1 inch furniture cushion foam hot-gluing it to the top, also hidden under the muslin.
The top fabric is a pink "Barbie" print with stars, flowers and the "Barbie" name, the wrap-around is a pink on pink, over-all swirly flourish print. I put a drawstring opening on the bottom so that the 'slipcover' could be removed for washing.
That's it for now--moving onto the next project.