Currently, I'm cleaning my workroom, discarding, giving away, cleaning off plastic container tops etc... I went to PriceBusters and found these collapsible containers and decided to use those instead of the mismatched plastic containers that I have now. I ran into a couple of challenges, one, it's getting costly to change all the containers I want to change, and two, I've had DH driving around the island with me in tow to all the PBs looking for my color choice. It was explained to me by one of the PB clerks that when they get products in, it's shipped as a lot, so they get a whole bunch of colors and styles at once; like opening a box of chocolates, you never know what you're going to get.
Anyway, I'm off to visit my SIL in Vegas, hope I find more collapsibles there. My work will still be here waiting for my return (yuk), so I'm not too worried about the mess. Unless of course House Beautiful or Where Women Create sneaks into my house and takes threatening photos to expose my packrat workroom!